Action Needed to Safeguard Civic Space Within International Organizations

August 6, 2018

The World Movement joins other non-governmental organizations in welcoming the adoption of a resolution on civic space at the 38th Session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council. With over 50 states co-sponsoring the resolution, it is clear that the international community understands the immense importance of an active civil society and that its continued repression in respective countries will no longer be tolerated. Among other provisions, the resolution notably calls for a better non-governmental organization (NGO) accreditation process within the UN itself, stating that the intensely politicized nature of the ECOSOC NGO Committee—the committee that oversees NGO accreditation within the UN—impedes upon an honest and timely process for NGOs.

Additionally, remarks an Article 19 analysis of the resolution, efforts to introduce “adverse amendments to the resolution tabled by China, Russia and Pakistan, including one seeking to limit civil society’s right to access resources, were either withdrawn, or rejected by vote.” However, we join other organizations in stating that there must be a formal reporting mechanism added to the resolution to ensure its efficacy, rather than an informal meeting to measure progress. Learn more about the resolution here.